Vandeffekter og sne

Vallejo Foam & Snow, 26.231

Flaske med 32 ml med påføringsstuds

Pris: Set til DKK 37 (2008)

This high density white paste dries quickly to a hard, very opaque finish. It is used to simulate foam on waves and whitecaps and is excellent for achieving White Water effects. Can be applied straight

from the bottle for simulating snow on trees and houses. For large extensions of snow it is best to use a brush or painting knife. Foam applied with a dry brush on the ripples and peaks of the tinted gels creates the most lifelike tracing of the froth and spume created by swirling water.

Deluxe Materials Senic White


Pris: Set til DKK 82 (2008)

Deluxe Materials Senic Snow

Sne til ½ m2. Inkl. Scenic Snow flakes mm.

Pris: Set til DKK 158 (2008)

Faller Wasser-Effekt, 171662

230 ml. Én komponent

Pris: Set til DKK 123 (2008)





Faller Winter set, 170735

This FALLER »Winter« set contains a combination of materials for the production of a glistening mass of snow which is sufficient to cover an area of approx. 1000 x 1000 mm with three to four houses and several trees. Furthermore, the set also contains 6 wintery bare trees, a spatula, many large and small icicles and detailed instructions. In the brochures »Modelling Made Easy »START« (190840) and »PROFI« (190842)« you can find interesting ideas for the modelling of winter landscapes.

NOCH - Wassereffekte, 96146

230 ml.

Udgået produkt.

Pris: Set til DKK 135 (2008)



Noch 60872, Wassereffecte

125 ml én komponent.

Pris: Set til DKK 57(2008)




Ziterdes - Water Effects, 12635

125 ml

Pris: Set til DKK 55(2008)



Woodland Scenics, Water Effects, C1212

Kun set i US

Én komponent


Gips eller kartoffelmel

Til sne kan man også bruge gips eller kartoffelmel.